
Most popular Medicare VPN plans

Eligibility Only


  • 150 # 270/271 transactions
  • Access to HETS system
  • Basic support
  • Monthly updates

Eligibility & SFTP Mailboxes


  • 2 # of SFTP Submitter Ids
  • 150 # 270/271 transactions
  • Access to HETS system
  • 24/7/365 support
  • Monthly updates

Eligibility, SFTP Mailboxes & CMS System


  • 2 # of connections to CMS
  • Use any 3270 emulator to connect
  • 2 # of SFTP Submitter Ids
  • 150 # 270/271 transactions
  • Access to HETS system
  • 24/7/365 support
  • Monthly updates
  • 24/7/365 Router Monitoring

Above are our most popular plans, we do offer customization for all plans, please call us at (844) 336-3999 to get a quote.

Helpful answers

Start accessing Medicare's Systems quickly at an affordable price.

Yes, your plan can be fully customized. Plans above are our most popular. You can call us at (844) 336-3999 to get a quote and ask us any questions you may have.

Please call us at (844) 336-3999 to get started. Need it fast? Let us know, we can use the speediest shipment available.

You will need a credit card or debit card ready. Call us at (844) 336-3999 to get started.

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